What are the Impacts of Head Impacts?
Researchers from the Boston University CTE Center developed HITSS to find out the long-term brain health risks from repetitive head impacts in soccer and tackle football.
By taking our online survey, you can make an Impact and help us find answers.
Upon completion of the entire survey (Parts One & Two), you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $500 Gift Card.
To participate in HITSS you must be at least 40 years old and have played organized soccer or tackle football at any level (youth, high school, college or pro). Note: A laptop or desktop computer is required for completion. Please confirm that you are eligible by answering the following:
HITSS is a fully online annual survey, including: questions about sports participation, repetitive head impact exposure and concussion history, and medical history; computerized brain games; and questionnaires on mood and behavior. It takes only a few minutes to enroll and can be completed over several days, on your own schedule, if desired.
Want more info before you enroll? Click Learn More below to find out more about HITSS.