What are the Impacts of Head Impacts?
Researchers from the Boston University CTE Center developed HITSS to find out the long-term brain health risks from repetitive head impacts in soccer and tackle football.
by enrolling in HITSS and taking our online survey.
It‘s easy to enroll. Just click the button below and you’re on your way to making an impact. Upon completion of the entire survey (Parts One & Two), participants will be entered into a monthly drawing for a chance to win a $500 Gift Card.
You can make an Impact
Want more info before you enroll? Click Learn More below to find out more about HITSS.
Endorsed by world-class athletes and sports personalities

Am I eligible to participate in HITSS?
If you are age 40 or older and played soccer or tackle football at any level (youth, high school, college, or pro/elite) you are eligible to participate.
What else can you do to help?
Spread the word to everyone you know - friends, family, colleagues and former teammates. The faster we enroll enough participants, the faster we can answer those important questions!
Already enrolled?
Click here to return to your HITSS portal.

Have questions? Want to learn more? Drop us a note and a member of the HITSS team will be in contact with you.